Great usability ensures popularity

"Our business runs completely online
- Jutta Gustafsberg

Fitfarm is a web-based fitness training portal set up by fitness trainer Jutta Gustafsberg. The full-service coaching portfolio includes diets, training and motivation programs, and peer support.

Inuits designed and implemented the online service of the fitness training service, FitFarm. FitFarm already has over 100,000 registered users and a turnover of several million euros. There are about 40,000 trainees annually.

The online coaching service combines functional design with ease of use for both trainers and end customers.

Its modularity makes the service particularly convenient. Personal trainers can compile training and diet programs, using pre-made elements. The material bank of the service includes, for example, training stores and food items whose nutritional content service is searched directly from Finel's database. The online service is integrated with FitFarm's online store, allowing cross-selling.

The end customer can benefit from convenient functionality. The service includes full training and food programs, personal development tracking tools, a variety of coaching content, guides and a popular discussion board where the customers can receive support from coaches, supporters and peers.